Stay away from Margin Trading if you don’t even know about the fees associated

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Stay away from Margin Trading if you don’t even know about the fees associated

Stay away from Margin Trading if you don't even know about the fees associated

Let's take BUSD for example.

0.047681% Borrow DAILY Interest Rate.

That means if you borrow 10000$ and hold your position for a day, you will pay 0.047681%.

10000*0.047681% = 4.7681$

No big deal? 5$ is nothing if you get to borrow 10000$ right?

So you decided to take a long long position for a year or two or more to get through the bear market.

How does 4.7681$ every day for 365 days sound?

1740.35 $

So the annual interest rate if you forget about compounding is 17.40%.

Since compounding is a thing and it doesn't stop existing if you forget it.

Compounding Daily interest rate for 365 days = Actual annual interest rate

Actual annual interest rate = (1+(0.047681/100))365 – 1

= 1.19004863 – 1

= 0.19004863

The actual annual interest rate comes out to 19%.

If you think your trading strategies yield you more than 19% + inflation rate, you do not need to look at these fees.

If you are struggling to break even year on year, you need to rethink your margin positions.

submitted by /u/badkittycartman
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