Could intentionally illegal content uploaded to the blockchain be used to police against a specific targeted node operator?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Could intentionally illegal content uploaded to the blockchain be used to police against a specific targeted node operator?

Hypothetically, say, actor X is a govt' org or a powerful corporation who wants to attack a very specific person NO (a node operator). X dosn't have any concrete evidence, that X could show and use to have NO's home raided or otherwise arrest them.

However, if X knows, that they're operating a node. Now, X could take something that's illegal in most countries (child pornography for instance), compress and add it to the blockchain. (Edit: I mean this done undercover obviously or so.). While that would be an expensive one-time operation, X could then now go to the node operator and simply ask "Do you have child pornography in your custody?". This would be problematic. If the node operator says 'No.', then X can say, that they think that the node operator has copies of the blockchain data – and hence illegal content. If the NO says "Yes", then that's a reason for arrest.

The problem is, that this could be used as a general reason to arrest ANY node operator regardless of the actual motivation the actor X has. It doesn't matter. X can always say, that the NO has illegal blockchain data they're serving to the internet. And X would be always right and could prove that in front of court. Also, it doesn't matter who uploads such data in the first place. If the data exists on-chain, it can be used for a legal attack.

What do you think about this? Just because this hasn't happend yet, I doesn't mean, that it still can't be misused. Just look at SONY's copyright legal case against Quad9, a neutral non-tracking DNS provider.

submitted by /u/_swnt_
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