My ETH was stolen! Can anyone help?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

My ETH was stolen! Can anyone help?

Figured I would msg you since you guys had helped someone with similar stuff.

Here's the situation:

Someone created a fake defiLlama site and promoted it to be at the top of google search results when you search defillama. I clicked on it my mistake, and it looked literally the exact same (I they took it down now). On the overview page, there was csv download option (same as real site), so I clicked on it and it asked me to connect my wallet and sign the transaction.

So I did thinking it was the legit defillama site and maybe a small cost for the csv was worth it. As soon as I signed the transaction, I was immediately drained of my total ETH balance (4 ETH)!!! They also tried to go after my other tokens by getting me to sign other transactions but I quickly realized what was happening and I cancelled them.

Here's the transaction ID: 0xeecc7a74fea461521318baffca38d66f34b149b09e1aa3b9f8207dafc4642eeb

I know I was probably stupid in even signing the transaction but the site looked 100% legit. If you have any advice on how I could recover my ETH. Please let me know 🙁

Side note: I looked at etherscan and see that this person has scammed lots of other people too. Like an hour after me, someone's 8 ETH was stolen.


submitted by /u/JedIowanTech
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