Seed Phrase Saving Technique

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Seed Phrase Saving Technique

I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of this but could anyone please counter/debunk my idea: I most likely am. I would like to save my seedphrase on the cloud using multiple levels of encryption.

>Memory/Ancecdote: This most important layer being memory/anecdotes where for example if a word is 'Charge' I write something like

 First three letters of my father's oldest uncle ( who is called Charlie)/Last three letters are the country where I went on exchange: How it appears on tv in english on a football match but unscramble it. So to decrypt it would be: Cha from Charlie and G-e-r in any order. I would get charge. 

>Non English language: Just reducing chances

I will skip this layer here to avoid misunderstanding 

>Intentionally misspelling: So that machines (yet) dont pick up on language and make sensoe of it

Phurst thuree leters af my fathhers eldest onkel..... 

>Simple math based encryption: TO avoid the text being understood by any human reader of any language as something sound

Phurst thuree.... P->Q h->i u->v etc. sentence appearing as ""Phurst thuree" appearing as "Qivtu uisff...." 

I believe that unless I lose my memory, this is the safest way to store information (in my head). I am much less likely to forget my uncles name, or university country etc. than random words.

The reason I am against physical storage is because no matter how safe, it has a greater chance of getting lost or stolen.

Please share your knowledge on risks of this method

submitted by /u/ApolloVsDionysus
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