Stop Constantly Thinking About The Mistakes You Have Done

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Stop Constantly Thinking About The Mistakes You Have Done

You bought a coin and then sold it for %10 gain and then it did 3x? Forget the coin, enjoy your profits.

You sold the coin for %10 loss and then it did 2x? You paperhanded it but it could have fallen down too, don’t stress it.

You didn’t even buy but just thought of buying it and it did 3x? Forget the coin. You missed the train.

You bought a memecoin and it rugged? You learned a lesson.

You invested into a good a project and it fell %90? This is crypto, anything can happen.

Please forget about thinking the mistakes you did in the past or it will haunt you forever. Its not psychologically worth it. I used to do this before and now looking back, I think I suffered more mentally then financially. Think from the bright side, you earned some experience. Learn your lesson and move on. NFA

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submitted by /u/TheBurningTitan
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