I don’t understand the hate for ADA and Charles.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I don’t understand the hate for ADA and Charles.

**Obvious disclaimer, among others, I have a big bag of ADA.**

Most people’s dislike of ADA seems to come from Charles. I’m going to put aside another big point people bring up, the fact that Haskell is inherently harder to code in than other languages and only focus on the Charles aspect – maybe Haskell can be another post.

I cannot deny that Charles is a very outspoken man and has MANY times contradicts himself on things such as ignoring the haters or not feeding the trolls. I’ll waive the white flag on the point all day.

The problem is that most people seem to gloss over the fact that Charles cares immensely about crypto as a technology and wants nothing but the best for it. In fact, a lot of the things he says – and then gets absolutely ripped to shreds for in this sub – are valid, real problems of other technologies. FUD is not the same as criticism and people immediately label anything that puts a “bad light” on their coin as FUD. If people can’t understand that constructive criticism, or even blatantly stating problems with other cryptos is for the greater good of the entire community, then that’s just going to delay adoption even further and prevent all of us from getting a Lambo sooner.

I’d also like to remind everyone of how Charles went and spoke in front of the government on behalf of the entire cryptocurrency community/technology and he was highly regarded across not only internet, but also this sub for his speech. Everyone couldn’t have been happier with what he said and that he did it for the betterment of the entire crypto space. I’m sorry people, but you can’t have it both ways.

He cares about the tech, has a vision, and is striving for success. Does he run his mouth too much sometimes? Yes. But to me, this doesn’t warrant the hate he and ADA get.

Let the downvotes flow.

submitted by /u/Huddster99
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