Mango markets on Solana was just drained for over $100M.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Mango markets on Solana was just drained for over $100M.

Mango markets is a Decentralised, cross-margin trading app that allows up to 20x leverage with lightning speed and near-zero fees. It appears the attacker was able to manipulate their Mango collateral. They temporarily spiked up their collateral value, and then took out massive loans from the Mango treasury.

Statement made by Mango Markets Twitter page:

“We are currently investigating an incident where a hacker was able to drain funds from Mango via an oracle price manipulation. We are taking steps to have third parties freeze funds in flight.”

List of stolen funds and amount stolen

USDC: -53,792,050.73

MSOL: -768,538.390

SOL: -761,594.867

BTC: -281.125

USDT: -3,266,494.74

SRM: -2,354,359.10

MNGO -32,409,595.68

submitted by /u/Pupulikjan
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