CHAINLINK – A simple/compreenshive guide about it and why i think it’s a good asset.

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CHAINLINK – A simple/compreenshive guide about it and why i think it’s a good asset.

CHAINLINK - A simple/compreenshive guide about it and why i think it's a good asset.

Chainlink is a decentralized network of nodes that take outside info (off-blockchain) to on-blockchain using oracles (oracles will allow blockchains to connect with external systems, allowing smart contracts to execute based on inputs and outputs, from the blockchain).

In short – Basically it will take information from outside and act as a intermediary for it to be accepted by other blockchains.

And that's why ChainLink is so interesting. For examplel, let's say there will be a new stablecoin paired with Gold. Gold info is outside the blockchain so an Oracle will act as a bridge and give all the information necessarry to the blockchain for the stablecoin to come alive.

Chainlink is part of the gigantic ETH ecosystem:

If you don't understand ETH ecosystem, it has many layers and chainlink is inside the INFRASTRUCTURE & DEV TOOLING.

Along side the funcionality it has inside that layer, it acts as an Oracle and is the biggest of them all.

Even tho Maker is somehat big, looking at the number of protocols we can see the huge gap between them.

Besides all of the above, a big pro regarind chainlink it's it upgrade comming next december and with all of the tweaks, the most interesting is the possibility to STAKE it.

Usually, the market predicts these kinda of stuff and we might see big buys which will pump it's market cap and therefore, the coin price.

Looking at potential gains, if chainlink hits the previous ATH, we talking about a 570% valorisation.

Link should be looked at as an medium/long term investiment.

As always, DYOR and don't trust any random redditor.

Safe investing guys.

submitted by /u/FldLima
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