Why transactions on L1 are cheaper now? Is Ethereum having less usage/transactions than 1y ago?

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Why transactions on L1 are cheaper now? Is Ethereum having less usage/transactions than 1y ago?

Sometime ago I researched a bit about why Ethereum transactions are cheaper nowadays when compared with the past year. I was wondering if the Merge would have any impact on gas fee, but as I saw, it won't, since it isn't programmed to affect gas price. The common answer is "less usage either because people were moving to L2 or because there are less people using blockchain in general".

I'm not sure if that answer is correct. I'm looking to data and graphs that could justify it.

There is chart data for "Ehtereum transactions per day": https://ycharts.com/indicators/ethereum_transactions_per_day

As seen there, the average number of transactions per day today is almost the same as 1y ago. So I don't know what is the real answer for why transactions on Ethereum L1 are cheaper now.

submitted by /u/mkiob
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