Why the hate on Blockchain Developers?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Why the hate on Blockchain Developers?

I’ve realised that there’s a ton of hate amongst the developers community for blockchain developers. I don’t understand why? Developers who build Web3 apps are no different than the rest. We just build apps that use a certain technology.

It seems because of the volatility of many tokens, people tend to hate the whole technology. It’s not about tokens. We don’t make apps on tokens – we make apps on blockchains.

The way I see it we can move from traditional systems to blockchains for better probability, authenticity etc. Maybe not in the near future but sure will in the next 5 – 10 years. Just like we transitioned from the static Web1 to the dynamic Web2, we can and should upgrade to Web3.

Edit: I found a post Reddit on a developer community. I’ll find the post and attach it here. Seems like the post was deleted. It’s was on a programming subreddit and they were making fun of criticising blockchain devs after the websocket library developer added this to their docs.

submitted by /u/ApostOnReddit
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