I believe that Michael Saylor and the Bitcoin Mining Council are lying in their reports about bitcoin’s environmental damage and this could ultimately hurt our industry even more than simply shutting up

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I believe that Michael Saylor and the Bitcoin Mining Council are lying in their reports about bitcoin’s environmental damage and this could ultimately hurt our industry even more than simply shutting up

Michael Saylor and the BMC (which is mostly just a bunch of North American mining companies) released their quarterly report this week, stating an extraordinary improvement on almost all fronts of the bitcoin mining industry. The report is basically just a "trust me bro" type of survey in which the participants can answer whatever they want.

The weird part is that last week a report with actual data provided for an official inquiry by the US Congress for the 7 biggest mining companies in NA (that are part of the BMC) came out with completely different numbers.

Based on the officially reported numbers to Congress and a few calculations it looks like Saylor's report undercounts bitcoin's CO2 emissions by at least 3x, potentially other metrics are extremely skewed as well.

Stronghold and Bit Digital both make up ~2.8% of the total hashrate but account for 7.6% of Saylor's CO2 emission numbers (a total of 30 billion metric cubes of CO2 according to the survey) according to the official data provided to Congress by these companies.

How exactly do some of the cleanest bitcoin mining businesses located in NA have such a disproportionate CO2 emission compared to their hashrate (3x higher) unless "someone" is lying about the total emissions in Saylor's report?

NA miners' report to Congress: https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2022.07.15%20Letter%20to%20EPA%20and%20DOE%20Re%20Cryptomining%20Environmental%20Impacts.pdf

Saylor's report: https://bitcoinminingcouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/2022.07.19-BMC-Presentation-Q2-22-Presentation.pdf

submitted by /u/Simple_Yam
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