How I lost money withdrawing from

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How I lost money withdrawing from

My fault, of course.

But Im somewhat experienced and careful, and got got, so I figure Id post.
tldr; Upon withdrawing from CDC, toggling to the Yubikey security app caused the withdrawl settings on CDC to partially reset.

Went like this;
After you set up and scan a QR to whitelist, it needs security input. So, with yubikey theres an app. You toggle to yubi, copy, toggle to CDC, enter regular security code to unlock CDC, then paste yubi code into whitelist page. So, whathadhappendwuz, when you toggle back to CDC and unlock it, the withdraw page is still there, with the address and name still in it, but it resets the network setting….

Totally my fault for not catching it there.., or 24hr later when I actually used the withdrawl… But, it was a tricky thing Id almost get caught by again if I hadnt gone and tried to figure out how tf I did it.
Careful out there folks!

submitted by /u/_o__0_
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