dApps. Developer Update:

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

dApps. Developer Update:

feels like there are more investors and devs here than there are users.

We dont even do auth services for our apps, we just assume there is no one using them.

We never do code reviews, no one knows anything anyway.

We never waste time on app architecture, everyone says what tech they wanna use and after everyone finishes we send random transactions between contracts. most of them get rejected because msg.sender!=owner. We don’t like people talking to our contracts.

CI/CD? we only deploy to test by running javascript/python scripts locally. No one deploys on main network, that’d be stupid, have you seen the gas prices?

Next week we’ll have a summit where we’ll decide if we fork ethereum and deploy it on amazon. We’ll call it Ethereum DeDecentralised.

If the proposal passes we’ll make a startup and integrate ethereum with it.

submitted by /u/Lupexlol
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