Jack Mallers Just Obliterated Altcoin’s Medium Of Exchange Claims

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Jack Mallers Just Obliterated Altcoin’s Medium Of Exchange Claims

Since I assume most people here don't watch Bitcoin Conference live streams, I'll cut to the chase: Jack Mallers just announced that a shit ton of retailers (including McDonals, Walmart, Whole Foods, Starbucks, etc) will now be able to accept Bitcoin, dollars, yen, or any other dirty fiats, instantly and nearly free, using new a new payment network integration with Shopify, enabled by Bitcoin's lightning network.

They don't need to accept Bitcoin or crypto, they can accept dollars and thus don't need to worry about implications of holding crypto.

Bye bye 3% fees, charge backs, minimum charges, 2-15 day settlement, etc.

It's over. The battle for Medium of Exchange for the 21st century has been fought, and it has been won. GG.

submitted by /u/esotericunicornz
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