PSA Please make sure you write down multiple copies of your seed phrase

I have a friend who I'm really worried about. He lost his recovery phrase on his meta mask wallet like a year ago and lost over 100 grand.
He'd ask me not to talk about crytpo around him but he started getting back into it eventually.
Just friday night we were talking about liquidity pools and defi at the bar all night. Some time during the night I made a joke that he should probably get a new phone as it's really janky.
Anyways, last night he knocks on my door and says he got hacked. I'm trying to calm him down and trying to tell him he's probably okay. His old iphone was stuck on the apple screen and wouldn't turn on. He has his seed phrase on some paper in his hand and tried to use it to get on to meta mask on his laptop and didn't see anything on there. He wrote down the wrong seed phrase.
He didn't have his iphone backed up to the cloud and doesn't know his meta mask password. And also wrote down the wrong phrase.
The iphone is still fucked and I guess needs to be booted in recovery mode but he won't be able to recover his data if he does that.. does anyone know anything I can do to help him get his acc back? Can his phone be fixed? He has over 40 grand on his meta mask, his entire portfolio. I actually physically feel sick for him and honestly really fucking worried about him right now
submitted by /u/mystic_swole
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