EIP-4444: Bound Historical Data in Execution Clients with Alex Stokes

⚡️EIP-4444: Bound Historical Data in Execution Clients ⚡️
Check out recording on EIP-4444 by one of the co-authors Alex Stokes with EthCatHerders on PEEPanEIP and join the discussion for a possible world of Ethereum blockchain without historical data.
Key highlights
- Changing guarantees of the protocol
- How does EIP-4444 propose to solve future Ethereum node runners problem?
- How will we guarantee the history?
- Portal Network complimenting the proposal
- Proposal – https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4444
- Discussion-to – https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-4444-bound-historical-data-in-execution-clients/7450
- Breakout room (1) : https://youtu.be/lkKXlVlFvZQ
- Breakout room (2) : https://youtu.be/Kv2gbgBzQzg
submitted by /u/poojaranjan19
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