Why is everyone here bullying people that invest in meme coins? Let them be, it’s their choice in what they invest and whether its meant to be serious or fun.

This sub is growing a bigger and bigger hate for meme coins. Which is not bad but it becomes bad when we start to attack people that have invested in those. I mean it's their decision and we can not know whether they are like 100% serious with it or not. But even if they are not, we have no right to bully them because we don't know shit about fuck either.
It may be fun or just some experiment as a newcomer in both cases we should let them make their own decisions, they should be free in choosing what they do.
I thought that's what Crypto is about, giving people more power to choose their own battles but everyone here seems to be playing the big "pro investor mentor" .
Obviously you can warn them if you think they may be walking into a scam or rug pull if you have evidence. You should warn then at this point. But outside of that everyone should be capable of making their own strategies and if they fail they will learn.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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