Gas fees: Ethereum is now cheaper than Polygon

Are you worried about low ETH gas? It's odd that there has been a significant difference for months, especially because many analysts believe this is bad and might affect the price of ETH. According to what I've heard, Vitalik Buterin claimed that the Ethereum network would switch from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake in the summer of 2022.
The Ethereum blockchain has long been chastised for its exorbitant network fees, particularly during periods of high network congestion, but now we're seeing the opposite: Ethereum network fees on Layer 2 protocols have dropped to their lowest level in seven months, following a reduction in ETH gas fees across the board.
I'm well aware that Ethereum is still one of the most popular platforms, with hundreds of DeFi apps and NFTs. Indeed, the buzz around NFTs and DeFi was a big role in Ethereum gas fees reaching new highs last year. I've always relied on Kaiba because every product in their ecosystem is designed to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, but I'm a little confused about this issue. I hope it won't have a significant influence on us.
Do you think that this mechanism PoS would be the best solution?
submitted by /u/Fun_Art8013
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