APE graph is going to look a lot like ICP did after it’s launch in the coming weeks

On May 10th last year ICP opens for sale on exchanges and instantly trades at $750, immediately after launching this coin was in the top 10 cryptos by market cap. 15 days later on the 25th, ICP broke below $30. This is what we call a 96% drop in two weeks.
APE is a token with no use case that is still riding its release hype train. Since this is an APE NFT coin its kind of like a hype train on a hype train riding a hype train. You have NFT hype, new coin hype, and Bored Ape hype. It is my belief, and that of many others I’m sure, that the Bored Ape creators made this token to feed their massive ego boners and their wallets. They are very clearly the largest NFT project and understand they could easily make millions by releasing a token under the guise of a DAO. What exactly do you think this DAO is going to govern? Do you expect that you and a bunch of other bored monkeys are going to sit around a long table in the meta verse and decide which monkey to release on the market next? And this is a multi billion dollar idea?
I urge you guys to invest wisely and not get caught up in the hype, a lot of people are in it for money and a lot are in it for fundamentals. If you’re in it for the money, understand that investing right now in this coin is riskier than any other top 100 coin at this moment. If you invest for the fundamentals, understand that this coin will fundamentally let you govern a group of internet monkeys. Currently the coin is at $10.86 putting it at rank 46, ahead of some of this subs favorites top 100 like AAVE, ENJ, CHZ, CRV, GALA, KSM and ONE
I will give them some kind of props though as they donated 1% of total supply to a foundation for rescuing/helping real apes. If that foundation cashed out they could have gotten $20-40m for that so hopefully they have sold or will soon. Good luck investing
submitted by /u/tastyskiin
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