The worst thing about Crypto is that everyone starts to worship a coin once they buy it, not accepting a possible “mistake”.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The worst thing about Crypto is that everyone starts to worship a coin once they buy it, not accepting a possible “mistake”.

Obviously we all love Crypto here, some more done less. But we should not look over the "bad" things here that we should definitely improve. One of those is the ignorance of people that once they buy a coin they do not care anymore about the cons and pros of it. They just shill it till death.

What's the reason to that? Well probably that we have our own money in something so we can not judge it anymore it has to be right. Critizising a Crypto that you don't own is very easy but critizising a Crypto that you own is hard to do. As you just don't want to admit that you made a mistake, which is very natural for us humans we never like to accept our mistakes and move on with them.

It would be better in our crypto space that people always constructively critzise their own investments and look at both sides of the token. No Crypto is 100% perfect and that's how it was always meant to be.

submitted by /u/partymsl
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