Don’t understand how Blockchain can protect privacy for personal data

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Don’t understand how Blockchain can protect privacy for personal data


I know how public Blockchains work under the hood but I don't really understand one of its use cases: privacy for healthcare data.

We can read a lot of about public Blockchains being able to provide privacy to individuals, especially regarding healthcare data. I don't really understand this argument because we all know that data stored on a public Blockchain are public and can be read by anyone.

How can this guarantee privacy? It could if we don't store the actual private data but a hash of it, for example. But I'm not sure this is how it is supposed to work.

Does anyone know how this could work? Or can anyone describe the data workflow at a high-level view (what is currently stored on the Blockchain? By whom? How is it read by other people/companies/organizations? etc.)?


submitted by /u/jeremy_fritzen
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