Dutch artist creates NFTs for every person in the world,which is a Serial Number.Nice way to make billions via NFT.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Dutch artist creates NFTs for every person in the world,which is a Serial Number.Nice way to make billions via NFT.

A Dutch artist created a series of 7.9 billion NFTs for every headcount on the planet.

NFT can be bought through Polygon costing one Matic each, which is roughly about $1.5

The sole unique characteristic of NFT is the serial number, which is given out in sequential minted order.

Even few million people went on to buy their so called NFT, the artist is set to become a millionaire just by this simple prank.

Source : https://m.economictimes.com/markets/cryptocurrency/dutch-artist-creates-nfts-for-every-person-in-the-world/amp_articleshow/89896846.cms

submitted by /u/Acceptable_Novel8200
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