The 3 most innovative Blockchain projects of our time are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and CryptoKitties.

The 3 most innovative Blockchain projects of our time are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and CryptoKitties.
All 3 of these things have one(well more than one) thing in common. I thought all of them were stupid at one time.
If you're reading this, the first two may seem like blockchain no brainers, while the last one may leave you thinking I only have half a brain.
Give me a chance, though. I've learned that sometimes when I think something is stupid(espcially when I think something is stupid), I need to step back and evaluate the situation from a different perspective.
I can Link that outlook to my biggest #crypto successes.
Bitcoin has to be at the top of the list. It was the first real cryptocurrency to find success and it was the first blockchain.
Before Bitcoin, outside of small circles, no one was really talking about the viability of a decentralized online ledger that could could be used for peer to peer #cash transfers.
Bitcoin has literally started a digitial revolution that has spread from the internet to the real world.
It has inspired countries like El Salvador to change what it considers money. Literally bringing new life to an underdeveloped country.
Bitcoin has as also inspired coders like Ethereum developer Vitalik Buterin to take blockchain to a new level.
Vitalik built the Ethereum blockchain to where other developers can build on top of the chain using Smart Contracts.
In simplest terms a smart contract is a binding digital agreement that states "If event A happens, then event B automatically happens."
As those events happen the whole sequece is updated on the blockchain aka digital ledger.
In the near future, everything from credit, to loans, to repossessions will take place with Smart Contracts on the blockchain.
On top of all that, Ethereum smart contracts not only paved the way for blockchains like BNB and CRO, but also set the foudations for things like decentralized Finance aka DeFi and Play To Earn gaming.
All of which will change how we operate in the modern world.
Now, Crypto Kitties… How did these dumb cats change the digital world?
Well, Crypto Kitties was the first NFT ever. Not only did the cats pave the path for NFTs, very few people know that it was technically the very P2E game ever.
When I first heard of Digital Art, I thought it was stupid and would never catch on.
At that point, I never considered the added value it could provide to smart contracts.
From an artist stand point, it elimitantes the biggest problem most Artist have which is needing to continually produce and sell new Artwork.
With NFTs, we now know that Artists can have it coded into the smart contract that after every resell, a percetange of the trascaction goes back to the Artist wallet.
Imagine if Picasso still had a percentage of every transaction going back to his family. If he had a NFT, it would be possible.
CryptoKittes inspired all of the current NFTs to an extent and is still more advanced than many of the current Profile Pic projects.
The very first NFT was more than Digital Artwork. It was a Play To Earn game before there was #P2E.
The game, breeding cats, is actually a very complex mix of probability and game theory.
It's not mashing together 2 NFTS like most current NFT breeding projects.
Crypto Kitties have four layers of dominant/recessive genes and chances of mutations to create new traits. All of which alter how the new NFT kitten appears.
There are also contract restrictions to keep family members from breeding and cool down times based on # of breeds.
The NFT project Crypto Kitties was truly ahead of it's time. Now we are seeing P2E Games being further developed and NFTs being integrated into our everyday life.
It took about 12 yrs for countries to adpot Bitcoin. I think it will take 1/3 if that time before several countries have an official NFT.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and
CryptoKitties have all been hugely influential on not only blockchain, but the world.
If you are looking for a new project that will major influence in the P2E gaming world check out
Grab a Lad:
submitted by /u/andrewsayles
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