Crypto has ruined all link sharing for me.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Crypto has ruined all link sharing for me.

I'm so absolutely terrified of scams and phishing that I won't even click on a link sent from my family or friends. I'm serious. If I see the title in the link, I'll google it myself. I get so many scam texts and automated calls; it's insane! I delete everything immediately without opening it or listening to it. It's crazy that there are so many people out there, seemingly living in this dark crypto world of theft and fraud; I feel like there's more now than ever.

The sad thing about it, is that it has diminished my trust in most everyone. As a result, I approach all conversations cautiously, always thinking there's an angle to mislead. It sucks because I know there are good people out there, who really want to engage genuinely.

Does anyone else feel this way?

submitted by /u/ipetgoat1984
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