Is web3 actually something special?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is web3 actually something special?

premise 1 : I am a total web3 degen

premise 2 : I do not really care about prices going up or down, I care about the impact that web3 can have on our daily life

When trying to convince some of my friends setting a metamask wallet and get their hands dirty to join the space I really struggle to show cool experiences that are actually something different or revolutionary from the current web2 paradigm.

I don't want to tell them that the main use cases right now are scammy 4323% APY DeFi projects or just some random NFT jpeg because I believe that web3 is much more than this.

Is web3 all about NFT trading/DeFi yields or is there something else special that can drive my normie friends to an aha! moment ?

submitted by /u/demi_volee_gaston
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