ETH Use Case: “Medical: Common Record Number”

For the doctors, researchers, advocates, nurses, epidemiologists who understand Blockchain/ETH.
As you know, in America, we have a huge issue with a common medical record number. On top of that there is 'security' that is really lame mostly with people following HIPAA guidelines but there are breaches in de-identification of patients.
However, there is an ENORMOUS need to have patient's data shared, up to and including their entire sequenced genomes. I dream of the day when, if I get a cancer diagnosis, instead of going in to get a second opinion, I can get 10,000 by bumping my genome up against 10,000 others, perhaps worldwide. (Obviously this is a massive amount of data.)
My question, does anyone think we can solve the common medical record number at least via blockchain to better 'share' all our medical records across hospitals that all have different systems. It is a royal pain in the ass on the medical side and from a patient's standpoint. Having to go through an antiquated system, working with battle axes on the frontlines hopped up on HIPAA as I try to get previous blood tests or medical records sent to another expert for review.
We are all one blood test away from this scenario.
submitted by /u/havoknkaos55
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