Investing into the upcoming NFT boom.
Anyone have any thoughts? I wanna invest into the NFT space as a whole rather than random chunks of the space. I don’t wanna buy art.
I’ve been dollar cost averaging ETH for a year or so now, but is that good enough? Reasoning is the vast majority of NFTs are created from the Ethereum blockchain.
It’s been hard to find any decently reliable info. I know it’s all speculative, of course, but I’m kinda anxious seeing NFTs grow in popularity and feeling like I’m not invested in the correct places.
I have some funds in tokens like ENJ and LRC. I am just unsure whether I should allocate more money into certain tokens rather than ETH in general.
My thesis revolves around the impending popularity of NFTs becoming mainstream. I am seeing memes about NFTs become mainstream (kinda cringe seeing misinformation, but a moot point).
I’m also looking into digital land. Sounds ridiculous but I’ll be happily surprised someday I’m sure.
Any thoughts?!
submitted by /u/bigblacksnail
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