Dogecoin holders, when are we going to admit we’ve made a wrong investment.

Seriously. I can not wait when i break even on my dogecoin. I want out. Luckily it's only 7 percent of my portfolio. I like the coin, don't get me wrong. But everytime it pumps a bit caused by an Elon tweet everybody starts to sell and that spike is wiped out in a matter of hours. The sub reddit is nothing like it was 8 months ago, only bad and repetitive memes. I don't see anymore trust in the coin from fellow holders and i think everybody is looking to break even and sell. It's never going to hit a dollar. And even if it's breaking a dollar. Most of the people maybe get 2x.
So yeah. If you not agree with me, tell me.
Edit: holy hell you guys are salty. Wrong decision of me writing a critical post. It's not me. It's you.
Edit: I got people in my DM attacking me. How about D.O.G.E.
Edit: I can understand how some of you may be offended about me talking bad about ther "money" But please keep it nice.
submitted by /u/mikeypes
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