Giveaway: $500 in BTC/LTC/XMR to Cake Wallet users!
Hello r/CryptoCurrency!
To celebrate the holiday season, we are giving away $50 in the cryptocurrency of your choice (BTC/LTC/XMR) to each of 10 random winners!
To enter, please comment below with a screenshot of your Cake Wallet receive screen! We will use to select 10 random winners 24 hours after posting. We will send the coins to your posted address. You can use an image-hosting website like Imgur.
Cake Wallet is a free, open source, noncustodial wallet for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Monero trusted by ~200,000 users. Cake Wallet works on both iOS and android phones. Cake Wallet makes holding your own assets a piece of cake. Your keys, your coins.
2021 has been an exciting year for cryptocurrencies, and we are happy to celebrate this holiday season with you!
Make sure to follow us on Twitter for Cake Wallet news and additional giveaways!
submitted by /u/cakewallet
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