ETH-RVN Dual mining guide for 3080ti on T-rex 0.24.7

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ETH-RVN Dual mining guide for 3080ti on T-rex 0.24.7

Just found my settings and commented this on a old post. But I am making a thread here for the community. Also, shout-out to u/PhearEternal . his today's post have inspired me to tinker with my 3080ti.

Final Result:

GPU: Gigabyte 3080ti eagle OC,

lock-cclock 1200, mclock 1323, fan 80, pl 93(325w), lhr-tune 37, windows 10, trex 0.24.7. i am getting eth: 43-50 Mh/s, rvn : 33.5-36MH/s. temp: 61/88C.

Eth/rvn dual mining with Gigabyte 3080ti eagle OC (max PL 105=360watt).

I OCed the gpu using the TREX batch file. here is the process i have followed:

  1. Core +0, mem +0, PL-100% check for LHR detect.
  2. reduce PL by the increment of 5% until LHR detection stops.
  3. then increase PL by 1 until you again hit the LHR detection.

Example: in my case, at PL 100 (350watt), the LHR detection activated instantly. Then I changed the PL 95%-detected. then to 90%-stable. Then I bumped the PL to 91%, then 92%, then 93%(325w). at 94% again LHR detection. Thus 93% is the max PL for my card.

  1. Now tinker with the core and mem oc. In my case, I am using lock-cclock 1200, mclock +1323 for both eth mining(89MH/s, 280w) and raven mining(60.2 MH/s, 345w). Thus i applied the same OC. And the mining goes without any detection at LHR 30.

  2. Now add –lhr-tune 40 –lhr-autotune-mode down on the batch file. This will set the starting LHR from 40. Let it do it's work. In my case, i am at LHR 37.0 and the mining is running for about 40min without any problem. After you find the max LHR value, edit the 40 with the value in the trex batch file.

This is my whole batch file command:

t-rex.exe -d 2 -a ethash –lhr-algo kawpow -o -u ETH_WALLET_ADDRESS.3080ti -p x –url2 stratum+tcp:// –user2 RVN_WALLET_ADDRESS.3080ti –pass2 x –gpu-report-interval 30 –pstate p0 –mclock 1023 –lock-cclock 1200 –fan 80 –pl 93 –lhr-tune 37 –lhr-autotune-step-size 0.1 –lhr-autotune-mode down

The –pstate p0 argument adds +300mhz over the stock settings. Thus p0+1023=1323mhz.

submitted by /u/abirUB
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