How can DeFi projects keep themselves secure? Seems like audits just aren’t good enough anymore…

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How can DeFi projects keep themselves secure? Seems like audits just aren’t good enough anymore…

No project code is perfect right out of the box.

Don't get me wrong… there's a ton of talented devs in the Web3 space. Add that with the growing number of projects, smart contracts, and wallets added on a daily basis, and the threats rise exponentially.

You can't just "set and forget" your security protocols. Security is dynamic and projects need to constantly stay on the offensive — or risk getting hacked, exploited, etc.

Just getting an audit isn't good enough anymore… their bandwidth and scope are limited.


Run a bug bounty. Code is dynamic. You'll have a "team" of hackers constantly poring over your code looking for vulnerabilities.

Check the quick and easy starter guide below:

How Blockchain Projects Can Run Successful, Ethical Bug Bounty Programs

submitted by /u/smartchris
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