Ravenclause Wallstreetv2 Pool Now the First Pool on the Network with Mineable Assets

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Ravenclause Wallstreetv2 Pool Now the First Pool on the Network with Mineable Assets

Hello all!

Thank you all for the recent surge of interest in the Ravenclause community, and its Wallstreetv2 project! Wow, 8 blocks already and extremely close to the next one! It seems like only yesterday we launched the wallstreetv2 pool!

This being said, a few major announcements for the community:

– We are now officially the First Mineable Asset Supporting Pool on the Network!

First, I would just like to thank Push at Ravenclause as this could not have been possible without him!

It is with great honor, that I would like to present that we now are a mineable asset supporting pool, the first on the network with these capabilities as a matter of fact! What does this mean? With every block solved, not only will each miner be rewarded with RVN, but also a WALLSTREETCASH token! This feature will also be included with the node lottery most likely! How does this change current mining? Simply make sure that you are mining with an asset aware RVN wallet! Most already are, but some are not!

-Block Solving NFT Series!

What is this? It is known that the RVN blockchain has NFT asset tokenization capabilities, but rarely do we ever see use cases of these in the mining scene. This aims to change this tradition by implementing an NFT award to be distributed on the following blocks: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, continuing on as milestone block counts are reached. This will be rewarded in the same manner as the above asset token to the addresses that mine with us on these blocks!

-Node Projects!

The goal is to start the node lottery at 10 GH/s of consistent of mining hashrate activity on the pool. Nodes are the backbone of the RVN blockchain and we are always in need of more node runners. Often times I see users asking what the rewards are for running a node. The answer to this is currently nothing, other than helping the blockchain remain speedy, to help maintain the blockchain ledger, etc, in short terms, being part of the blockchain backbone. It takes 100 confirmations on the blockchain for a payout to be made from the time a block on a pool is hit. This can sometimes take up to a few hours after first hitting the block. The more nodes there are, the quicker rewards will make it to miners. Peer to peer transactions will also increase in speed. The node lottery aims to incentivize members of the network to run a node by having a chance at a bi-weekly quarter block drawing. The node lottery website basis will be mapped similarly to the ravennodes map, but with updates to support the node lottery. This is what the 2% mining fee on the pool covers, I would imagine this would incentivize even miners who already earn rewards to run a node! More node projects beyond this are in the works, updates on all coming soon enough!

Pool Link: https://pool.wallstreetv2.com/

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/9fh9nGNxju

Pool Mining Stratum Connections:

(Some miner programs use the stratum+tcp:// part, others don't, if I am not mistaken!)

CPU or 1-2 GPUs (less than 30MH/s) stratum+tcp://us.pool.wallstreetv2.com:10008

2-4 GPUs (30MH/s – 60MH/s) stratum+tcp://us.pool.wallstreetv2.com:10016

4-15 GPUs (60MH/s – 600MH/s) stratum+tcp://us.pool.wallstreetv2.com:10032

15 GPUs+ or Nicehash/Rental (600MH/s+) stratum+tcp://us.pool.wallstreetv2.com:10256

(Rental Port Difficulty adjustments available by request!)

Thanks a ton for everyone's time and patience in their efforts for this community, it is greatly appreciated! It wouldn't be a community without the community!


submitted by /u/rvnminers_A_and_N
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