Why is everyone pissed off?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Why is everyone pissed off?

So ever since May, just after ETH was pumping hard and I dropped 2k into it, then I got scared when the May crash hit, waited till June, cashed out (lost $700) then watched it hit ATH a couple months later.

I've been thirsting for a crash ever since.

Your not going to get rich with a coin like ETH or BTC that's going to continue to just rise. You gotta hope, pray, wish for a crash to buy into. If I followed this rule in May I would have 3-4x my money today.


I was jumping for joy last night as my whole portfolio was taking a shit and I just kept dropping more money till it started to go back up. I felt like a kid at the candy store.

Be happy folks!

submitted by /u/yakattack87
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