The smartest people here will NOT give you any advice now.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The smartest people here will NOT give you any advice now.

Because they know how this story goes. They've seen it before.

Instead, they will close their apps, the exchanges, they will close the charts, the news sites, reddit discussions, facebook memes.

This is not a sign to panic and sell, or buy the dip if you're out of extra money.

It's a sign to take a break. Spend some time with family, friends, dogs, cats, the rest of your hobbys.

It gets hectic and scary when you see your gains disappear overnight, but if you weren't planning to sell today, then why are you worried?

Take a break. Come back in a few days.

And yes, this is actually my advice.

submitted by /u/DerpJungler
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