What does “Minting” in Crypto and DEFI mean? (Educational)

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What does “Minting” in Crypto and DEFI mean? (Educational)

In order to get the community more educated, I've prepared a video where I explain the term "Minting" in DEFI, what it means and how it looks like on the blockchain explorers websites:


In the video, I am explaining how to mint tokens with smart contracts and how to track token minting on blockchain explorers like etherscan, bscscan, polyscan, ftmscan, and more.

We will also look at the example of PancakeSwap cake token minting and we will see how it looks like in the blockchain using bscscan.

We will understand everything related to minted tokens on the blockchain and finally, you will be able to detect how minting tokens look like.

Let me know if you have any questions!

submitted by /u/alenaramda
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