Motley Fool doing clickbait headlines.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Motley Fool doing clickbait headlines.

Asking Shiba Inu VS Ethereum: which cryptocurrency is right for you is just downright clickbait.

For their deceptive headlines and clearly biased material, Motley Fool has been thrown out of a few stock trading/investment subs, and now they're pushing out into crypto.

Every MF article is nothing more than a sales pitch for their newsletters.

The titles are clickbait, and the articles don't truly provide any information; instead, they encourage you to sign up for their service to learn more.

In the late 1990s, I was old enough to recall when MF provided excellent investment advice.

They mocked "advisors" who marketed newsletters, claiming that you could identify attractive stocks on your own without paying for a subscription service.

Then, in the mid-2000s, they shifted their business strategy to promoting a paid membership service.

After the GameStop debacle (which, to be honest, is far from done), they've made it quite plain how bad/corrupt they are.

submitted by /u/scrawnyschism4
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