Proposal: Near 0 gas fees for high-community-value-contracts (e.g. L2 bridges) through independent auction

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Proposal: Near 0 gas fees for high-community-value-contracts (e.g. L2 bridges) through independent auction

High-community-value-contracts through independent auction

There are 4M L1 accounts with more than 0.1 Eth, and with current gas fees, it's not possible to use ethereum. Many are frozen indefinitely.

We could have a list of l2 bridges (and other high-community-value-contracts) and allocate up to a part of ethereum transaction capabilities to those contracts, so a separated independent auction for this type of high-community-value-transaction (and much lower txs fees because for this usage people won't bid as high as wales do for usdt transfers and uniswap arbitrages).

Although ethereum is permissionless, it's is also community-driven. And if the community wants this it can be done.

Estimate of the fraction of ethereum transaction capabilities to run things smoothly:

Ethereum can do 40 M transactions per month, and there are about 4M addresses (with more than 0.1 Eth). All those 4M wallets could be able to bridge to l2 once a month using only 10% ethereum transaction capabilities.

Development speculations

Maybe an implementation at the block producer level is easier. Do block producers have the power to choose which transaction to include, even if the transaction fee is lower than the base fee (not sure how it works eip 1559)?

In this case, even if only a fraction of block produces does it (even though they will get slightly less compensation), the protocol will still work. And especially with the merge (validators reasonably do actions that increase the value of ethereum as an ecosystem), it will get adopted. Also notice that technically because the fees should be low for this high-community-value-contracts, they will occupy a very small fraction of the gas limit (although a somewhat higher percentage of the ethereum transaction capabilities)

submitted by /u/Proud-Importance-463
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