T-Rex Miner security?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

T-Rex Miner security?

I've been using kawpowminer because it is open source and I can build it from source. Aside from liking open source and getting a pretty optimal build of the CUDA kernel, I also don't have any security concerns because I can and have looked at the source code.

However, I find that there's a lot of good development and features going into T-Rex Miner and I'm thinking about trying it. For those who use it already, what if anything are you doing to verify the provenance of the build? Have you encountered any security concerns with it? What are some of the things you do in general for security with closed source miners?

Thx for your time. P.S. – I'm just a person who has to worry about these things. We exist! 😉

submitted by /u/phoenixhelix
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