Mining rig as a space heater

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Mining rig as a space heater

I have a space heater that I keep running in one of the rooms of my house during the winter. I was thinking of replacing it with a mining rig. Since I need to generate heat from electric I might as well try to make some money.

The only caveat is it would have to look good and be relatively quiet. My gaming pc uses an NZXT H510 case. While it looks good I don't think the case moves enough air. I want something similar in size to the H510 that has better air flow. If I get some RGB going it would fit right in with the Christmas decorations. Any case recommendations?

What is the max amount of GPUs that I could put in a case like the H510 and mine Raven? The space heater can pull 1500w. I want to target around 1000w for this build. Is there a single GPU that could get me to that power target?

If there is a way to have the PC monitor room temperature to automatically stop/start mining or adjust overclock to keep the room at a constant temperature that would be really great.

submitted by /u/oldprecision
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