Exit Gas Fee Details

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Exit Gas Fee Details

I converted some ETH to a memecoin. $3000 worth. I lost about $600 in the process from the meme coin’s tax, the slippage, and the ETH gas fee.

I’m wondering if it’ll be the same when I exit my position? I know I’ll have to pay the meme coins tax. I understand I’ll save some slippage since ETH is not nearly as volatile. But what about the gas fee? I’m using Uniswap and when I enter my memecoin, Uniswap is saying “Allow the Uniswap protocol to access your coin” with a $50 fee (a lot less than the $200 I paid to convert to the meme coin). Is this the only gas fee? Or am I also going to be charged a conversion gas fee in my metamask wallet like when I originally converted?

Another question I wanted to ask about involving that…when I was originally trying to convert the coin, if the transaction failed, I was not charged anything. I could try as many times as I wanted for a low price. If I “allow uniswap to access my memecoin”, does Uniswap take that immediately? Or does that happen after the second gas fee (if there even is one)? I just don’t want to let it access the memecoin if it’s gonna make me pay once I click allow since I don’t want to actually sell the coin right now…I want to preview my fees.

submitted by /u/BColeman4923
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