Just liquidated my first ever crypto investment.
I bought LTC back in 2017 without knowing anything about crypto. I was just a naive college student who watched it go up and down from $400 to $30 back up to $400 down to where it is now. I’m thankful for the journey because it opened my eyes to the world of cryptocurrency and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Today I liquidated all of my LTC in order to pay for my entire graduate school degree. It’s been a great experience and no matter what people have to say about LTC I still think it’s a great crypto with potential and I hope to jump back in someday. For the time being I’ll be staking my ALGO for governance and holding onto ETH and some other small bags of crypto. Never would I imagine that crypto would help me pay off a degree and this is just a testament to its great achievements over the years.
Edit: Thank you everyone for the kind words. This is barely the beginning and we will all be blessed in the future!
submitted by /u/beelo50
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