The Panama Papers and Pandora Papers are proof that crypto’s primary use is *NOT* tax evasion.

The truth is that tax evasion via legal loopholes is well established both in the developing and in the fully developed world (looking at you Mr. Bezos).
Cryptocurrency is absolutely not essential, nor used for this purpose, and the recent leaks over the past few years have proved, unequivocally, that tax evasion is NOT the primary function of cryptocurrency.
I'm very bullish about this, because it hints at actual adoption, speculation, market viability, and true tokenomics outside of shady / grey-market goods. Even the most common purported coin – Monero – which might be used for illicit activities, represents a very small share of the total crypto market cap, and further demonstrates that the true value in crypto is not grey or black market, but truly above board investment, speculation, value storage, and adoption.
If this isn't the best news we've gotten about crypto in a long time, I don't know what is.
submitted by /u/Valynna
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