Using A Cryptocurrency Debit Card To Move Away From Banks – The Earnings Really Add Up!

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Using A Cryptocurrency Debit Card To Move Away From Banks – The Earnings Really Add Up!

In the past few months, I have been experimenting with ditching banks almost entirely, with its main usage as a place to cash my checks. Using what I refer to as a "stablecoin account," you can purchase all your necessities, stake your money, and have an easy way to DCA in every week.

Note: this method only works if you own a crypto card such as's or my preferred card, Coinbase Card (for card to be better, you need over $40,000 invested in CRO, so for this I will use CB Card as the example).

Holding Your Funds:

Your money can be spread between multiple stable coins across multiple staking/lending services (diversify both for added security). Using services such as NeXo, BlockFi, Gemini Earn, Celcius, Hodlnaught, etc, using stable coins such as USDC, DAI, GUSD, BUSD, UST, etc, you can earn anywhere from 7-13% APY on these, which is much better than the 0.25% many banks offer. Be careful with some services which lock your coins for a month, unless you don't mind having them unavailable for a period of time.

Making Purchases

Using your crypto prepaid debit card, such as CB Card, you can earn 4% back (in XLM or GRT) on all purchases. Many banks only offer 1% back in points, which can be worth even less money than that. If you have weekly or monthly payments such as groceries, rent, and online subscriptions, it's totally worth it. Another way to look at it is everything is 4% off, and even more if you believe in the longevity of your coins. Using USDC, there are 0 extra fees for using the card. This is much better than PayPal where you have to pay decent fees every time you use them, or banks who usually as well have fees.

Easy DCA/Investing

With your funds already in stablecoins, you can easily DCA whenever you want at any rate with no extra fees. Every week? You can make it automatic easily. Even in smaller increments if you prefer. Personally I find DCAing using this method to be preferable simply because it skips an extra step of going through my bank. If a coin you like is ever speaking to you and you really want to invest right then and there, you also don't have to worry about putting extra money onto your exchange, your dollars to invest are already there!


With staking stable coins, you can earn 8-13% APY.
With crypto debit cards, you can earn 4% back.
If your money is just sitting in a bank account just losing value through inflation, no reason not to try this method.

Make Money Go Bigger

submitted by /u/JustDownInTheMines
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