Regardless of what you’re invested in, if you call people idiots and actively wish they lose all their money for investing poorly, you’re an asshole.

I got in because of Doge. I have since sold, studied, and replaced them with other coins. Some others might have not gotten the chance or capability to do their due diligence. Some people have been misinformed or been lied to. Don't call the unfortunate idiots. To these people, Safemoon (or Doge or whatever) is just as solid of a plan as you think Bitcoin is. Surely you know they're wrong, but they don't. They're not intentionally putting their money on a losing horse – they're just unaware that the horse has a broken leg.
I hope everyone makes money off this, bitcoin or shitcoin. Although some people will lose money, you don't need to "wish" they lose it. Don't be a dick. We're all in Crypto vs Fiat. They're just in the 101 phase while you've already moved on.
We're all friends. Good luck to all.
submitted by /u/pixelman1
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