How I became a Crypto Millionaire

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How I became a Crypto Millionaire

I only did it with around 5.000 dollars. I started trading, went all in on doge at 1 cent and… Just kidding, no chance that happened. What actually happened was that I went all in on 20x leveraged long at 31k, nope a joke again.

But what did indeed happen was that I entered crypto on May but I did not go all in but rather DCA during the dip my whole savings, now I'm up around 30%. Many people will be like "oh but that means you have only 6.5k" which is true, BUT in my country we have HUGE inflation (60%+ this year alone) and 9.100%+ in the last 20 years. So basically our currency went from 1 peso = 1 dollar to 1 dollar = 184.5 pesos from 2000 to 2021 (imagine that it's also offsetting dollar inflation).

So basically 6500 dollars are worth 1.199.250 pesos ATM – making me a crypto made millionaire from a starting 250.000 pesos (bought the dollars like two-three years ago when 1 dollar = 20 pesos and then 45 pesos). So I literally obtained my millionaire status at the young age of 22 by living in a country with hyperinflation and holding crypto – nice.

To put into perspective: I used to make 50.000 a month, which most of you would be like "oh it's a crazy salary, 600k a year". Well, it's only 271 dollars a month lol.

This numbers may vary a little if you look at our currency in Google because we have HUGE fluctuations. For example, some weeks ago the exchange rate was 170, then went up to 190 and now back down.

All in all the lessons I think we should take from this is that fiat and the goverment sucks and to DCA into solid projects like BTC and ETH in order to shelter from inflation.

If you have a portfolio of 5.5K or more and want to become a millionaire like me go to binance>settings>currency>ARS (Argentine Peso) and that's it! You've 184x'ed your money!

submitted by /u/arandom_econstudent
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