Finally experience Ethereum network absurd gas fee

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Finally experience Ethereum network absurd gas fee

I have been investing in crypto for over a year now, but I have only been trading on Binance and staking CAKE on BSC because it was easy and cheap, so I still consider myself quite new to the vast crypto space. Lately I was looking around and research for new projects and decided to try and stake other coins, in particular OIN in this case.

OIN Finance staking page requires me to have OIN token on the Ethereum Mainnet because BSC is not supported (I thought OIN Finance was a project on NEAR protocol and didn't quite understand why Ethereum wallet was required), so I bridge 50$ worth of DAI from BSC ( its the minimum amount required and OIN is not supported to be bridged yet) which cost 15$ on Binance Bridge so I only received 35$ on my Ethereum wallet.

Afterwards I tried to swap 35 DAI for OIN and it supposedly cost nearly 50$ gas fee which I don't have, I can't even transfer it back to Binance because it would also cost 50$ to do so. Inconclusion I spent 15$ to bridge 35 DAI to the Ethereum wallet just to be locked up because I cant afford to do anything with it, and it also doesn't make sense to spend 65$ extra just to release the 35$, so today lesson had cost me 50$ to learn which I still think is well spent (what else can I do, right?).

I'm a fan of Ethereum and love the Defi space it has created but after today's experience I think Ethereum Network is just not for most people like me whom are from third world countries that 50$ spent on gas fee can easily feed a family of 4 for at least a week. Even though BSC and other cheaper blockchains are said to be decentralize shitty versions of the Ethereum network but without it most people like me wouldn't be able to access crypto to reap its benefit.

I believe all crypto projects will thrive with BTC and ETH leading the market and I will continue to explore other crypto projects but will definitely prioritize affordable gas fee.


submitted by /u/lnguyen2993
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