I found a Faucet site that pays me in Ravencoin!!!!!

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I found a Faucet site that pays me in Ravencoin!!!!!

I found a Faucet site that pays me in Ravencoin!!!!!

I know I know, Faucets.. Everyone has a opinion. But since I am mining with two GTX 1050 TI's, I only make about 10 RVN a day. I am trying anything to get more RVN before "The Halving".

I recently started using a new faucet site to earn Litecoin and then realized I could get paid out in RVN… After 1 day I just withdrew 1 RVN!!!

My 1st of many withdrawals!

Here is an article I wrote about the Faucets: https://www.publish0x.com/earning-that-crypto/everything-litecoin-ltc-and-how-to-earn-it-xrnxrre?a=BDbDZMyel2

It is Express Crypto as the micro wallet site and AutoClaim and AutoFaucet pays into it with RVN! 🙂

This one is AutoClaim and you can see my LTC and RVN payout every 2 minutes. I have it set at a low payout to get more claims so I can lvl up faster.

submitted by /u/Cherokee4Life
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