What I’ve learned from NFT’s on RVN.
Lets get down to the bare minimum.
The Nfts are coins either a main asset(500rvn) subasset(either 100or5rvn).
-technical- Then the way they work is they have a limited coin supply. Their IPFS is what the image, gif, 3d model, etc is. Every time you mint the NFT it will cost the respective amounts above.
-selling- Ive sold a fare amount of NFTS. The process is still pretty bare bones without the use of special code on a website or server. Seeing as RVN doesnt have smart contracts it is harder to fulfill orders and or buying. You can either use a service to make your asset or you can use the asset maker in certain wallets.
If you have any questions just ask and i can help.
submitted by /u/JoJuiceboi
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