What I’ve learned from NFT’s on RVN.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What I’ve learned from NFT’s on RVN.

Lets get down to the bare minimum.

The Nfts are coins either a main asset(500rvn) subasset(either 100or5rvn).

-technical- Then the way they work is they have a limited coin supply. Their IPFS is what the image, gif, 3d model, etc is. Every time you mint the NFT it will cost the respective amounts above.

-selling- Ive sold a fare amount of NFTS. The process is still pretty bare bones without the use of special code on a website or server. Seeing as RVN doesnt have smart contracts it is harder to fulfill orders and or buying. You can either use a service to make your asset or you can use the asset maker in certain wallets.

If you have any questions just ask and i can help.

submitted by /u/JoJuiceboi
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