Not your grandma’s blockchain? Making Ethereum for everyone is a destination and not a moment

Preface: I'm not an eth dev or pool operator but I am a miner. I have really enjoyed being part of this community as a participant, even if I've not been vocal in the past. I'm throwing this out to the r/ethereum community because someone made it sound like it wasn't a garbage idea. I do not foresee having time to make EIPs and follow up on them, per in the near term. And I don't think my plan is the best, but I think a plan just requires some imagination and creativity to work. And I think that is what communities can assemble if they believe positive change is possible.
TL;DR: Wen lower gas fees on saturated L1 network?
Let grandma wait for a "slow boat" to deliver them tokens if that is what she wants. Reduce or eliminate stability fees that raise the gas limit floor. Maintain EIP-1559 changes that secure the network and remove exploit vectors.
Implement maximum aggregate L1 fees relative to consecutive epochs. Aim for a specific ETH total (insert median/average/statistical calc here) and then explicitly drop broadcast transactions with gas limits above the calculated threshold. Outbidding grandma does not give you priority on L1!
Develop an API for L2 providers to facilitate L1 finality for "bonus" transactions with high gas limits – this is L1 transaction priority which is distinguished from the gas limit and instead places value on metrics described below.
Wallets integrate L2 provider solutions to automatically re-broadcast high gas limit tansactions dropped from the L1 mempool. Seamless end-user experience is the goal.
If a wallet integrates multiple L2 providers, they can bid to complete the transaction and then bridge back to L1 seamlessly using a signature of the dropped L1 transaction to drive a flash loan.
The winning L2 of a given "bonus" transaction produces the expected outcome in L1 first. Other rollups with follow-on commits to L1 including different L2 paths to execution will fail. L2 has an API to adjust the priority of their transactions with L1 overflow signatures.
L2 provider does lose potential space in their rollups if another L2 commits to L1 first. They are free to have users interface with them on L2 directly instead of using the L1 overflow API, in case this matters.
Some of this may be impractical or unworkable in the frame of current development efforts. I think the above plan maintains a steady future for miners (until PoS anyway) and pushes the responsibility to pay for L2 on the people most equipped to pay for it. It's also a little stick in the eye to speculator traffic that depends on being validated by unlimited gas incentives. And that's what grandma would want, right?
submitted by /u/BsdFish8
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