Can we stop acting as if the gas fees aren’t an issue?
Seriously, the argument "it's so high because it is being used" is just delusional & it's mind baffeling how many people flatout live in denial
I won't deny that I'm not an "all ethereum" guy, & no, I don't hold any bitcoin either
However, I think that Ethereum is substantial & fundamentaly important to the cryptospace
Yet, the majority of people using ethereum, as in actually making transactions, are mainly people within the Cryptospace & some basic technical knowledge And even those are a minority in the cryptospace
Which is a minority of people globaly
So it's basically a minority, of a minority
Now sure, there are L2 Solutions, but does anyone seriously think all the regular Joes who barely can use an exchange or know how to send their crypto to a wallet will go all "ahh, so I need to use L2 Solutions?"
Those are nice & dandy
But if we're speaking about actual, global,mass adaption, the scalability of Ethereum IS a major issue
Unless you seriously think that your neighbor who's proud because he can download a song from youtube with an online converter alongside the billions of people wih barely technical knowledge will be fine to pay a couple of hundred (or rather thousands, if we speak about global mass adaption levels) bucks because "bro, it's ok, it's just a sigk that it gets used a lot! Isn't that dope?" Just to wait 50 minutrs for the trsnsaction to go through, You.. well, pretty much live in denial
Ethereum has so much f'in potential to have massive impact on the world To introduce dApps & so many cool things to people
But circlejerking to it and denying the severe issues with the gasfees & transaction speed doesn't help anyone
In fact, it causes a lot of harm because it puts off pressure to work on it by forgetting that the majority of people don't have even fundamental, basic crypto knowledge. A "there's L2 bro" won't cut the case for global mass adaption
submitted by /u/LaVolpe1469
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